


在以下示例中,我们将 std::marker::PhantomData 与幻影类型参数的概念相结合,创建包含不同数据类型的元组。

use std::marker::PhantomData;

// A phantom tuple struct which is generic over `A` with hidden parameter `B`.
#[derive(PartialEq)] // Allow equality test for this type.
struct PhantomTuple<A, B>(A, PhantomData<B>);

// A phantom type struct which is generic over `A` with hidden parameter `B`.
#[derive(PartialEq)] // Allow equality test for this type.
struct PhantomStruct<A, B> { first: A, phantom: PhantomData<B> }

// Note: Storage is allocated for generic type `A`, but not for `B`.
//       Therefore, `B` cannot be used in computations.

fn main() {
    // Here, `f32` and `f64` are the hidden parameters.
    // PhantomTuple type specified as `<char, f32>`.
    let _tuple1: PhantomTuple<char, f32> = PhantomTuple('Q', PhantomData);
    // PhantomTuple type specified as `<char, f64>`.
    let _tuple2: PhantomTuple<char, f64> = PhantomTuple('Q', PhantomData);

    // Type specified as `<char, f32>`.
    let _struct1: PhantomStruct<char, f32> = PhantomStruct {
        first: 'Q',
        phantom: PhantomData,
    // Type specified as `<char, f64>`.
    let _struct2: PhantomStruct<char, f64> = PhantomStruct {
        first: 'Q',
        phantom: PhantomData,

    // Compile-time Error! Type mismatch so these cannot be compared:
    // println!("_tuple1 == _tuple2 yields: {}",
    //           _tuple1 == _tuple2);

    // Compile-time Error! Type mismatch so these cannot be compared:
    // println!("_struct1 == _struct2 yields: {}",
    //           _struct1 == _struct2);


派生结构体,和 元组结构体