
间接访问一个变量会导致无法在不重新绑定的情况下分支和使用该变量。match 提供了 @ 符号用于将值绑定到名称。

// A function `age` which returns a `u32`.
fn age() -> u32 {

fn main() {
    println!("Tell me what type of person you are");

    match age() {
        0             => println!("I haven't celebrated my first birthday yet"),
        // Could `match` 1 ..= 12 directly but then what age
        // would the child be? Instead, bind to `n` for the
        // sequence of 1 ..= 12. Now the age can be reported.
        n @ 1  ..= 12 => println!("I'm a child of age {:?}", n),
        n @ 13 ..= 19 => println!("I'm a teen of age {:?}", n),
        // Nothing bound. Return the result.
        n             => println!("I'm an old person of age {:?}", n),

您还可以使用绑定来“解构” enum 变体,例如 Option

fn some_number() -> Option<u32> {

fn main() {
    match some_number() {
        // Got `Some` variant, match if its value, bound to `n`,
        // is equal to 42.
        Some(n @ 42) => println!("The Answer: {}!", n),
        // Match any other number.
        Some(n)      => println!("Not interesting... {}", n),
        // Match anything else (`None` variant).
        _            => (),

