介绍 ?

有时我们只想要 unwrap 的简洁性,而不希望出现 panic 的可能性。到目前为止,unwrap 迫使我们在真正想要的是将变量取出来时,不得不嵌套得越来越深。这正是 ? 的目的。

当遇到 Err 时,有两个有效的操作可以采取

  1. panic!,我们已经决定尽可能避免
  2. return,因为 Err 意味着它无法处理

? 几乎1 等同于一个在遇到 Errreturn 而不是 panicunwrap。让我们看看如何简化前面使用组合器的例子

use std::num::ParseIntError;

fn multiply(first_number_str: &str, second_number_str: &str) -> Result<i32, ParseIntError> {
    let first_number = first_number_str.parse::<i32>()?;
    let second_number = second_number_str.parse::<i32>()?;

    Ok(first_number * second_number)

fn print(result: Result<i32, ParseIntError>) {
    match result {
        Ok(n)  => println!("n is {}", n),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),

fn main() {
    print(multiply("10", "2"));
    print(multiply("t", "2"));


? 出现之前,相同的功能是通过 try! 宏实现的。现在推荐使用 ? 运算符,但在查看旧代码时,您可能仍然会发现 try!。使用 try! 的情况下,前面示例中的相同 multiply 函数如下所示

// To compile and run this example without errors, while using Cargo, change the value 
// of the `edition` field, in the `[package]` section of the `Cargo.toml` file, to "2015".

use std::num::ParseIntError;

fn multiply(first_number_str: &str, second_number_str: &str) -> Result<i32, ParseIntError> {
    let first_number = try!(first_number_str.parse::<i32>());
    let second_number = try!(second_number_str.parse::<i32>());

    Ok(first_number * second_number)

fn print(result: Result<i32, ParseIntError>) {
    match result {
        Ok(n)  => println!("n is {}", n),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),

fn main() {
    print(multiply("10", "2"));
    print(multiply("t", "2"));

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