
同样的规则可以应用于函数:当类型 T 前面加上 <T> 时,它就变成了泛型。

使用泛型函数有时需要显式指定类型参数。 如果函数在返回类型是泛型的情况下被调用,或者编译器没有足够的信息来推断必要的类型参数,就可能会出现这种情况。

带有显式指定类型参数的函数调用看起来像:fun::<A, B, ...>()

struct A;          // Concrete type `A`.
struct S(A);       // Concrete type `S`.
struct SGen<T>(T); // Generic type `SGen`.

// The following functions all take ownership of the variable passed into
// them and immediately go out of scope, freeing the variable.

// Define a function `reg_fn` that takes an argument `_s` of type `S`.
// This has no `<T>` so this is not a generic function.
fn reg_fn(_s: S) {}

// Define a function `gen_spec_t` that takes an argument `_s` of type `SGen<T>`.
// It has been explicitly given the type parameter `A`, but because `A` has not 
// been specified as a generic type parameter for `gen_spec_t`, it is not generic.
fn gen_spec_t(_s: SGen<A>) {}

// Define a function `gen_spec_i32` that takes an argument `_s` of type `SGen<i32>`.
// It has been explicitly given the type parameter `i32`, which is a specific type.
// Because `i32` is not a generic type, this function is also not generic.
fn gen_spec_i32(_s: SGen<i32>) {}

// Define a function `generic` that takes an argument `_s` of type `SGen<T>`.
// Because `SGen<T>` is preceded by `<T>`, this function is generic over `T`.
fn generic<T>(_s: SGen<T>) {}

fn main() {
    // Using the non-generic functions
    reg_fn(S(A));          // Concrete type.
    gen_spec_t(SGen(A));   // Implicitly specified type parameter `A`.
    gen_spec_i32(SGen(6)); // Implicitly specified type parameter `i32`.

    // Explicitly specified type parameter `char` to `generic()`.

    // Implicitly specified type parameter `char` to `generic()`.

