
解包 Option 并在其为 None 时回退到默认值的方法不止一种。为了选择满足我们需求的方法,我们需要考虑以下几点:

  • 我们需要急切求值还是惰性求值?
  • 我们需要保持原始的空值不变,还是就地修改它?

or() 是可链式的,急切求值,保持空值不变

or() 是可链式的,并且急切地求值它的参数,如下例所示。请注意,由于 or 的参数是急切求值的,因此传递给 or 的变量会被移动。

enum Fruit { Apple, Orange, Banana, Kiwi, Lemon }

fn main() {
    let apple = Some(Fruit::Apple);
    let orange = Some(Fruit::Orange);
    let no_fruit: Option<Fruit> = None;

    let first_available_fruit = no_fruit.or(orange).or(apple);
    println!("first_available_fruit: {:?}", first_available_fruit);
    // first_available_fruit: Some(Orange)

    // `or` moves its argument.
    // In the example above, `or(orange)` returned a `Some`, so `or(apple)` was not invoked.
    // But the variable named `apple` has been moved regardless, and cannot be used anymore.
    // println!("Variable apple was moved, so this line won't compile: {:?}", apple);
    // TODO: uncomment the line above to see the compiler error

or_else() 是可链式的,惰性求值,保持空值不变

另一种选择是使用 or_else,它也是可链式的,并且惰性求值,如下例所示

enum Fruit { Apple, Orange, Banana, Kiwi, Lemon }

fn main() {
    let no_fruit: Option<Fruit> = None;
    let get_kiwi_as_fallback = || {
        println!("Providing kiwi as fallback");
    let get_lemon_as_fallback = || {
        println!("Providing lemon as fallback");

    let first_available_fruit = no_fruit
    println!("first_available_fruit: {:?}", first_available_fruit);
    // Providing kiwi as fallback
    // first_available_fruit: Some(Kiwi)

get_or_insert() 急切求值,就地修改空值

为了确保 Option 包含一个值,我们可以使用 get_or_insert 使用回退值就地修改它,如下例所示。请注意,get_or_insert 会急切地求值其参数,因此变量 apple 会被移动。

enum Fruit { Apple, Orange, Banana, Kiwi, Lemon }

fn main() {
    let mut my_fruit: Option<Fruit> = None;
    let apple = Fruit::Apple;
    let first_available_fruit = my_fruit.get_or_insert(apple);
    println!("first_available_fruit is: {:?}", first_available_fruit);
    println!("my_fruit is: {:?}", my_fruit);
    // first_available_fruit is: Apple
    // my_fruit is: Some(Apple)
    //println!("Variable named `apple` is moved: {:?}", apple);
    // TODO: uncomment the line above to see the compiler error

get_or_insert_with() 惰性求值,就地修改空值

我们可以将闭包传递给 get_or_insert_with,而不是显式地提供一个回退值,如下所示

enum Fruit { Apple, Orange, Banana, Kiwi, Lemon }

fn main() {
    let mut my_fruit: Option<Fruit> = None;
    let get_lemon_as_fallback = || {
        println!("Providing lemon as fallback");
    let first_available_fruit = my_fruit
    println!("first_available_fruit is: {:?}", first_available_fruit);
    println!("my_fruit is: {:?}", my_fruit);
    // Providing lemon as fallback
    // first_available_fruit is: Lemon
    // my_fruit is: Some(Lemon)

    // If the Option has a value, it is left unchanged, and the closure is not invoked
    let mut my_apple = Some(Fruit::Apple);
    let should_be_apple = my_apple.get_or_insert_with(get_lemon_as_fallback);
    println!("should_be_apple is: {:?}", should_be_apple);
    println!("my_apple is unchanged: {:?}", my_apple);
    // The output is a follows. Note that the closure `get_lemon_as_fallback` is not invoked
    // should_be_apple is: Apple
    // my_apple is unchanged: Some(Apple)


closuresget_or_insertget_or_insert_withmoved variablesoror_else