注册表可以在 config.json
中定义的位置托管一个 Web API,以支持下面列出的任何操作。
对于需要身份验证的请求,Cargo 会包含 Authorization
标头。标头值是 API 令牌。如果令牌无效,服务器应返回 403 响应代码。用户需要访问注册表的网站以获取令牌,Cargo 可以使用 cargo login
响应使用 2xx 响应代码表示成功。错误应使用适当的响应代码,例如 404。失败响应应具有以下结构的 JSON 对象
// Array of errors to display to the user.
"errors": [
// The error message as a string.
"detail": "error message text"
如果响应具有此结构,即使响应代码为 200,Cargo 也会向用户显示详细消息。如果响应代码指示错误并且内容不具有此结构,Cargo 将向用户显示一条旨在帮助调试服务器错误的消息。返回 errors
为了向后兼容,服务器应忽略任何意外的查询参数或 JSON 字段。如果缺少 JSON 字段,则应将其假定为 null。端点使用路径的 v1
组件进行版本控制,如果将来需要,Cargo 负责处理向后兼容性回退。
Cargo 为所有请求设置以下标头
: Cargo 版本,例如cargo/1.32.0 (8610973aa 2019-01-02)
。用户可以在配置值中修改此值。在 1.29 中添加。
- 端点:
- 方法: PUT
- 授权: 包含
发布端点用于发布 crate 的新版本。服务器应验证 crate,使其可供下载,并将其添加到索引。
不需要在发送成功响应之前更新索引。成功响应后,Cargo 将在短时间内轮询索引,以确定是否已添加新 crate。如果在短时间后 crate 没有出现在索引中,Cargo 将显示警告,告知用户新 crate 尚不可用。
Cargo 发送的数据主体是
- JSON 数据长度的 32 位无符号小端整数。
- 包的元数据,作为 JSON 对象。
文件长度的 32 位无符号小端整数。.crate
以下是 JSON 对象的注释示例。包含一些 crates.io 施加的一些限制的注释,仅用于说明可以完成的验证类型的一些建议,不应被视为 crates.io 施加的限制的详尽列表。
// The name of the package.
"name": "foo",
// The version of the package being published.
"vers": "0.1.0",
// Array of direct dependencies of the package.
"deps": [
// Name of the dependency.
// If the dependency is renamed from the original package name,
// this is the original name. The new package name is stored in
// the `explicit_name_in_toml` field.
"name": "rand",
// The semver requirement for this dependency.
"version_req": "^0.6",
// Array of features (as strings) enabled for this dependency.
"features": ["i128_support"],
// Boolean of whether or not this is an optional dependency.
"optional": false,
// Boolean of whether or not default features are enabled.
"default_features": true,
// The target platform for the dependency.
// null if not a target dependency.
// Otherwise, a string such as "cfg(windows)".
"target": null,
// The dependency kind.
// "dev", "build", or "normal".
"kind": "normal",
// The URL of the index of the registry where this dependency is
// from as a string. If not specified or null, it is assumed the
// dependency is in the current registry.
"registry": null,
// If the dependency is renamed, this is a string of the new
// package name. If not specified or null, this dependency is not
// renamed.
"explicit_name_in_toml": null,
// Set of features defined for the package.
// Each feature maps to an array of features or dependencies it enables.
// Cargo does not impose limitations on feature names, but crates.io
// requires alphanumeric ASCII, `_` or `-` characters.
"features": {
"extras": ["rand/simd_support"]
// List of strings of the authors.
// May be empty.
"authors": ["Alice <[email protected]>"],
// Description field from the manifest.
// May be null. crates.io requires at least some content.
"description": null,
// String of the URL to the website for this package's documentation.
// May be null.
"documentation": null,
// String of the URL to the website for this package's home page.
// May be null.
"homepage": null,
// String of the content of the README file.
// May be null.
"readme": null,
// String of a relative path to a README file in the crate.
// May be null.
"readme_file": null,
// Array of strings of keywords for the package.
"keywords": [],
// Array of strings of categories for the package.
"categories": [],
// String of the license for the package.
// May be null. crates.io requires either `license` or `license_file` to be set.
"license": null,
// String of a relative path to a license file in the crate.
// May be null.
"license_file": null,
// String of the URL to the website for the source repository of this package.
// May be null.
"repository": null,
// Optional object of "status" badges. Each value is an object of
// arbitrary string to string mappings.
// crates.io has special interpretation of the format of the badges.
"badges": {
"travis-ci": {
"branch": "master",
"repository": "rust-lang/cargo"
// The `links` string value from the package's manifest, or null if not
// specified. This field is optional and defaults to null.
"links": null,
// The minimal supported Rust version (optional)
// This must be a valid version requirement without an operator (e.g. no `=`)
"rust_version": null
成功的响应包括 JSON 对象
// Optional object of warnings to display to the user.
"warnings": {
// Array of strings of categories that are invalid and ignored.
"invalid_categories": [],
// Array of strings of badge names that are invalid and ignored.
"invalid_badges": [],
// Array of strings of arbitrary warnings to display to the user.
"other": []
- 端点:
- 方法: DELETE
- 授权: 包含
撤回端点会将索引中给定版本的 crate 的 yank
字段设置为 true
成功的响应包括 JSON 对象
// Indicates the yank succeeded, always true.
"ok": true,
- 端点:
- 方法: PUT
- 授权: 包含
取消撤回端点会将索引中给定版本的 crate 的 yank
字段设置为 false
成功的响应包括 JSON 对象
// Indicates the unyank succeeded, always true.
"ok": true,
Cargo 没有用户和所有者的固有概念,但它提供了 owner
命令来帮助管理谁有权控制 crate。由注册表决定如何处理用户和所有者。有关 crates.io 如何通过 GitHub 用户和团队处理所有者的说明,请参阅发布文档。
- 端点:
- 方法: GET
- 授权: 包含
所有者端点返回 crate 的所有者列表。
成功的响应包括 JSON 对象
// Array of owners of the crate.
"users": [
// Unique unsigned 32-bit integer of the owner.
"id": 70,
// The unique username of the owner.
"login": "github:rust-lang:core",
// Name of the owner.
// This is optional and may be null.
"name": "Core",
- 端点:
- 方法: PUT
- 授权: 包含
PUT 请求将向注册表发送请求,以向 crate 添加新所有者。由注册表决定如何处理请求。例如,crates.io 向用户发送邀请,用户必须接受邀请才能被添加。
请求应包含以下 JSON 对象
// Array of `login` strings of owners to add.
"users": ["login_name"]
成功的响应包括 JSON 对象
// Indicates the add succeeded, always true.
"ok": true,
// A string to be displayed to the user.
"msg": "user ehuss has been invited to be an owner of crate cargo"
- 端点:
- 方法: DELETE
- 授权: 包含
DELETE 请求将从 crate 中删除所有者。请求应包含以下 JSON 对象
// Array of `login` strings of owners to remove.
"users": ["login_name"]
成功的响应包括 JSON 对象
// Indicates the remove succeeded, always true.
"ok": true
// A string to be displayed to the user. Currently ignored by cargo.
"msg": "owners successfully removed",
- 端点:
- 方法: GET
- 查询参数
:结果数量,默认为 10,最大值为 100。
搜索请求将使用服务器上定义的条件执行 crate 搜索。
成功的响应包括 JSON 对象
// Array of results.
"crates": [
// Name of the crate.
"name": "rand",
// The highest version available.
"max_version": "0.6.1",
// Textual description of the crate.
"description": "Random number generators and other randomness functionality.\n",
"meta": {
// Total number of results available on the server.
"total": 119
- 端点:
“登录”端点不是实际的 API 请求。它仅用于 cargo login
命令显示 URL,以指示用户访问 Web 浏览器以登录并检索 API 令牌。